Vol. 2, Issue 4: Math Anxiety Interventions to Address the STEM Gender Gap for Girls

Vol. 2, Issue 3: Scoping Review of Climate Change Adaptation Interventions for Health: Implications for Policy and Practice

Vol. 2, Issue 2: Wealth Inequality, Family Stability and Insecure Attachment to Wealth among Black American Men and Women

Vol. 2, Issue 1: Reducing the Body Count During the Next Pandemic

Vol. 1, Issue 4: The Global Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Maternal Mortality

Vol. 1, Issue 3: Social Dynamic Response Theory

Vol. 1, Issue 2: Race-Based Disparities in Insurance Coverage Among Cancer Survivors

Vol. 1, Issue 1: Barriers and Facilitators to Racial Equity in K-12

Diverse Perspectives on Wellness has been awarded for its innovative research articles that discuss global health and the impact of national and cultural identity on access to health care, social systems, policy initiatives and an ideal quality of life. To submit your manuscript to Diverse Perspectives on Wellness, fill out the submission form or email us at info@hvisualizations.com.

ISSN 3066-0203

Published in Chicago, IL